Top 5 winter gardening tips

Contrary to popular belief, winter isn’t a time of year to hang up your gardening gloves and tools, and take a step back. There are many gardening tasks you can get on with to preserve the health of your outdoor space, improve its appearance and prepare for the warmer seasons ahead. Read on to discover five winter gardening tips straight from our experts.

1. Protect plants that are not frost hardy

If your garden is home to tender plants that need a little help during winter, now is the time to act. Protect these varieties from frost and other seasonal damage by covering them with a horticultural fleece or even bubble wrap. You can also lift, pot and bring plants that need protection indoors or into the greenhouse.

2. Clean your tools and organise your storage

With planting opportunities a little thin on the ground due to the harsher winter weather, launching your big garden clean up now is a great idea. Keeping on top of tool cleaning and storage organisation will leave you with far less to do when gardening season resumes next spring.

Get your greenhouse or shed in order with a seasonal clean, restock those supplies, sharpen tools and service your lawn mower.

3. Clear your beds in readiness for spring

Take your seasonal clean out of the shed and into the garden by clearing your beds next. As well as clearing beds of fallen leaves and other debris, adding compost will improve your soil to make way for healthier growth in spring.

4. Start planting those spring bulbs

While you’ll have less planting to do, there are still lots of spring bulbs that can be planted right about now. Tulips for instance are just one spring flowering variety that can be planted in beds, pots and under trees in UK gardens at this time of year.

5. Prune trees, bushes and shrubs

Many fruit trees, bushes, shrubs and rose plants need a helping hand to keep them in tip top condition, and the same rules apply during winter. With several varieties inactive throughout the cooler months, it’s the ideal time to prune.

Pruning is beneficial for a long list of reasons. In addition to removing dead or dying foliage to encourage new growth, pruning the right plants at just the right time can aid pest control, prevent disease, promote health, and enhance the beauty of your entire garden.