The difference between a Tuteur and an Obelisk


They are spire like trellises that are usually made of wood or metal. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The typical shapes include tall, rounded or oblong shapes as well as pyramids. Flowers will typically work around that shape.

They serve many purposes, they can provide support for flowers, vining fruits and vegetables and they also provide four season interest as well as focal points in your garden. They are usually found in more formal gardens and have the potential to create a focal point in your garden.

The traditional use for an obelisk is supporting flowering plants; climbing roses are a popular choice of plant to be used alongside an obelisk. Clematis is also a popular option for an obelisk, depending on the variety of clematis they can grow into a tower of amazing colours. Both of these need a sturdy support this is where an obelisk is perfect. You can also use obelisks for vines such as ivy.

We recommend buying an obelisk that is slightly bigger than what you think you need. This will give the flowers the opportunity to grow to their full potential. If the obelisk is small they you may have to constantly trim the flowers which you may not want to do.


A tuteur is usually more substantial than a trellis. They tend to be different shapes and are an affordable option.

Tuteurs can be made of wood, plastic or metal. Wood tuteurs are the most common but they do last the shortest amount of time in an outdoor setting. Don’t be put off by tuteurs that can only last a short time, they’re perfect to support annual vines for one or two seasons and then you can replace them when they begin to rot or unravel. If you want one that is going to last the longest then a metal tuteur is the best choice, we specialise in solid steel tuteurs and have varied sizes and prices that are perfect for long lasting use.

Tuteurs compliment any kind of garden style; they’re practical but also can be used as a decorative piece. You can have them adorned with flowering plants or can just have them standing alone; they will always provide a focal point in your garden.

Tuteurs are perfect for both flowers and providing support to vines. Purchasing a large wall tuteur would be perfect to support the weight of the vine. Vines that work well with tuteurs are annual flowering vines such as, morning glories, cardinal vine, sweet peas and firecracker vines. In terms of flowers, they’re perfect for tall flowers such as delphinium, gladioli and foxtail lilies.

Differences and similarities

Although very similar, the main element that sets them apart and makes them different is the plants that they are used for. Tuteurs are popular with vines because they can handle the weight of the ever growing plant. Tuteurs are also considered ideal for tall flowers like delphinium and foxtail lilies. Whereas obelisks are really popular to be used alongside roses and clematis, they are planted with the intention of the flowers wrapping around the obelisk to create a decorative element to a garden.

Another way that they differ is that a tuteur comes in a larger array of sizes and can be attached to walls, in plant pots and it can also just stand alone. Whereas an obelisks does come in big and small sizes but the shape tends to be the same and they either can be planted or stand alone.

Both an obelisk and tuteur is perfect to add a new decorative component to your garden. They can both be used for decorative purposes, as well as practical purposes. You can take advantage of them to maximise space in your garden and it also adds a vertical element to your garden.